Arme principale: MAC-10. See how to get it, gun stats, attachments! There was a problem. Copy link. Best of all, our vetted Warzone hacks enhance your gaming experience without degrading gameplay quality, a win-win! If this sounds like it matches your playstyle, then the PKM is for you. The builds in my best FFAR 1 loadouts guide do an excellent job of adapting this AR into a run-and-gun monster. The airship is lifting off. Une cadence de tir dévastatrice, une taille de chargeur élevée et un recul étonnamment doux se combinent pour faire de cette arme l’un des plus grands de tous les temps. Check out our best Kar98k loadout in Warzone for more tips on the best build for this gun! Season 6 of Warzone has burst onto the scene, placing two new weapons in the hands of its players and, as usual, telling you nothing about them. The Pelington 703 sniper rifle is a great choice in medium-range gunfights for sharpshooters. Here are the best Warzone loadout drops from the best Warzone guns and attachments, to equipment and perks: AUG & FFAR; Kar98k & Ram-7; DMR 14 & Diamatti; Krig 6 … Now, let's talk in more detail about the S-Tier weapons in this table, which we consider to be the very best guns in Warzone. Le monde de Call of Duty: Warzone vient de devenir beaucoup plus grand. 21 mars 2020 Turpdat A la Une , Guides/Tutos , PC , PS4 , Xbox One 0 commentaires Avec sa pléthore d’armes, disponibles sur le jeu de base, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare ainsi que sur les différents modes de Warzone dont son Battle Royale, c’est ne plus savoir où donner de la tête. Best Akimbo pistols for Warzone. Cela signifie que vous […] The Kar98k is not a Warzone sniper rifle for popping heads at extremely long range, but if you’re a fast-scoping, aggressive sniper then it’s the best option the game. My best M4A1 loadout guide covers how to modify this AR for more accurate shots that'll land at longer distances. Well, the CR-56 AMAX is the weapon for you. Rytec AMR has great long-range damage capability but due to its slower muzzle velocity when using explosive rounds, it is best to remain stealthy to stay alive longer. If you're keen to continue using this tactical rifle, here are the best DMR 14 loadouts to help you survive as Warzone's circles shrink smaller. While its base range and accuracy are lower than the DMR 14 and Type 63, you only need to equip a few attachments to bring it in line with these other tactical rifles. Il s’agit de l’un des trois tireurs d’élite Warzone capables d’abattre un adversaire entièrement blindé d’un seul coup à la tête, ce qui en fait une arme … This thing has the most ridiculous fire rate I ever did see. Pour autant, il convient de savoir quelles sont les armes les plus efficaces pour les différents modes de … Un des Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’sCall of Duty: Modern Warfare’s It beats many other weapons in its class with its high rate of fire and handling, while delivering devastating damage. En effet, quitte à utiliser ses propres armes, autant faire en sorte d’avoir les meilleures options disponibles. Vous pouvez utiliser des armes de la guerre froide dans Warzone qui ont été ajoutées à la liste, avec l’arrivée de 24 nouvelles armes (sans compter les plans). Certains pourraient penser que les meilleures armes sur Warzone sont celles de qualité orange. The Warzone Streetsweeper hasn't been in the game for long, but it's quickly established itself as the best fully automatic shotgun. Knowing the very best guns in Warzone is super important to understanding why your matches are going the way they’re going. Unlike the Pelington, it'll also down an enemy if you manage to tag their shoulder. One shot to the head or chest with the Pelington 703 will send your enemies to the Gulag, but you'll need to be patient. If you're not quite ready to commit to the Pelington 703 in Warzone, consider testing it out in Cold War first, using one of our best Pelington 703 loadouts. There are over 60 weapons to choose between, and finding the best one for you can be tricky. Either way, my best Diamatti loadouts guide will steer you in the right direction. FFAR 1 Meilleures pièces jointes. We love having a friendly, positive and constructive community - you lot are great - and we want to keep it like that. It's packing a higher ammo capacity than the alternatives, making it perfect for lurking in buildings. Les 15 meilleures armes de CoD Warzone à utiliser pour vous assurer la victoire ! Well regardless, the Grau is a fantastic weapon that I’ll never get tired of. L’essentiel est qu’avec le meilleur chargement de Warzone M4A1, vous pouvez toujours gagner une tonne de jeux. This thing shreds, plain and simple, and that’s why you see seemingly everyone running this weapon. Here’s our best Warzone Ram 7 loadout for beating that recoil. I recommend adding a suppressor as you're safest when your weapon is silenced in Warzone. Warzone propose de pouvoir utiliser ses loadouts perso via les largages tactiques, voici donc notre liste de meilleures armes et loadouts pour le Battle Royale. The Groza rewards patient players with hard-hitting shots that silence opponents quickly. Please refresh the page and try again. M4A1. Sa cadence de tir élevée et sa mobilité en font la… It deals significant damage, even when your opponent is just a speck in the distance, and I also find it much easier to use than the other snipers in Warzone. FENNEC. Lisez ce guide Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone pour en savoir plus sur le meilleur pistolet du jeu! Cette liste n’est pas une tiers list ou un classement, mais uniquement une présentation des 5-6 meilleures armes du jeu, permettant ainsi en un coup d’oeil de trouver les options les plus viables sur CoD. If you have an affinity to the HDR or something then by all means keep using it. LA MEILLEUR ARME (FUSIL D'ASSAUT) POUR LE WARZONE !!! Néanmoins, les meilleures armes sont celles obtenues via les largages tactiques (les drops aléatoires ou via achat). Season 4 of Warzone has, as players have come to expect, changed the floor loot available to those dropping into Verdansk. It’s got super speedy mobility, lightning quick time-to-kill, and holds up surprisingly well at medium range when you get the recoil under wraps. If you're switching to this from another SMG, take extra care when trying to shoot while moving. It’s so accurate at long range that regardless of any issues it may have with regards to damage output, the almost complete lack of recoil more than balances it out. You can always rely on the Bruen MK9 to clear the way, whether it's other players, or heavily armored trucks blocking the path ahead. For a helping hand, check out our CR-56 AMAX Warzone loadout guide too! Looking for the best Warzone guns? Every Warzone player that has logged in during Season 4 knows how strong the FAL is. Sniping is a tough game. Le meilleur fusil d’assaut de Warzone est le fusil M4A1 , qui malgré les nombreux nerfs subis est l’une des meilleures armes de tout le jeu. Our main commenting rule is "be excellent to each other". Hopefully now you're a master of the Warzone weapons arsenal, and you're ready to put your newfound knowledge to the test. Our weapon tier list for the best guns in Warzone. Classement des Armes les plus efficaces de Warzone Un utilisateur du nom de « Sorangkun » aurait classé les armes les meilleurs fusils d’assaut de Warzone en terme d’efficacité. Speaking of camping the top of a skyscraper, this is the longer-range gun I was talking about. > Voici donc le guide des meilleures classes de Warzone pour ne pas les décevoir en tant qu’équipier. Call of Duty Warzone Saison 6: Les meilleures armes avec une liste de niveaux de D à S Du moins pas dans un jeu qui se respecte conçu avec le cerveau à l’esprit. Here are all the Warzone guns: MGL-32 Grenade Launcher; CR-56 AMAX; Kar98k; FFAR 1; DMR 14; Cold War MP5; AX-50; Groza; Krig 6; Diamatti; Type 63; … It’s amazing at longer ranges, and can help you utterly dominate if you pair it with a close range gun like the FFAR 1 or MAC-10. More Videos. Kilo 141 Le Kilo 141 a gagné en popularité et devient rapidement l’un des meilleurs chargements de zone de guerre de la saison 4. Visibilité améliorée en ADS. It's possible to take out squads in seconds using this Marksman rifle, but you'll want to keep an AR or SMG handy for mopping up stragglers. Meilleur équipement FFAR dans Call of Duty: Warzone. Maintenant, cela peut être bien de montrer à nos amis et coéquipiers des armes ou un arsenal qui est vraiment extrêmement puissant: comme le … Meilleur SMG: rang SCette liste de niveaux concerne les […] It's easy to handle, so you can feel confident using it to pick off enemies in the distance with surprising accuracy. Gather round, crew. Again, this is a gun a whole lot of people have been using, so check out our FFAR 1 Warzone loadout for advice on how to kit it. This is the story for the CR-56 AMAX. Voici donc le guide des meilleures classes de Warzone pour ne pas les décevoir en tant qu’équipier. […] Le Grau 5.56 s’est révélé être le meilleur AR, suivi de près par le M4A1. CALL OF DUTY MODERN WARFARE - YouTube. Mon premier TOP 1 en solo pour ma première partie sur le mode solo de Warzone ! Découvrez les meilleurs chargements, accessoires et plus encore de mitraillettes de la saison 5! Overall, it's a worthwhile trade-off for the extra damage and range that you'll gain, as you'll find out in Morgan's best SP-R 208 loadouts guide. La meilleure classe DMR 14 pour Warzone. Meilleures armes et meilleurs articles de chargementLisez comment inspecter les armes ici! Call of Duty Warzone : Les 5 meilleures armes à utiliser après le nerf de la GRAU 5.56. CR-56 AMAX, AUG (Cold War), FFAR 1, Grau 5.56, Kar98k, LW3 - Tundra, MAC-10, PKM, AN-94, AS VAL, AUG (Modern Warfare), Bruen Mk9, Bullfrog, DMR 14, HDR, Kilo 141, LC10, M13, M16, M4A1, MP5 (both versions), MP7, Oden, RAM-7, SP-R 208, Stoner 63, Uzi, AK-74u, Crossbow, FAL, FiNN, M91, PP19 Bizon, Type 63, XM4, AK-47 (both versions), AX-50, Fennec, FN Scar 17, Krig 6, Milano 821, RPD, FARA 83, Groza, Holger-26, M60, M91, MG34, P90, Pelington 703, QBZ-83, SKS, Dragunov, EBR-14, FR 5.56, ISO, KSP-45, M82, MK2 Carbine, Rytec AMR, SA87, Striker 45. Museau: Agence Silencieux Baril: 5,9 ″ Task Force Laser: Viseur laser GRU 5mw Underbarrel: Poignée d’agent de terrain Munition: Salvo 53 Rnd Fast Mag So, here’s our picks for the best Warzone guns tier list. It's best to send out controlled bursts while stationary with the AK-74u. Warzone’s meta has drastically changed since the DMR 14 was nerfed, opening up plenty of room for a weapon like the CR-56 AMAX to establish itself as one of the best in the battle royale game. Arme principale: DMR 14. From this hub page, you can find links to our growing list of individual best Warzone loadout pages. Krig6. Voici la meilleure arme du jeu à courte et moyenne portée pour gagner vos duels sur le mode battle royale de cod Modern Warfare nommé Warzone le mode gratuit free to play d'Activision. The MAC-10 is the quintessential SMG, and whilst it controls a bit more erratically than the ever-reliable MP5s or MP7, those of you who can deal with the recoil patterns will be well rewarded by using this weapon. Bear in mind that it won't be quite as potent, but with this many rounds to spare, you won't feel it too much. Museau: Suppresseur d’agence Baril: 21,2 ″ Ranger Stock: Stock de raider Underbarrel: Poignée Bruiser Munition: Salvo 50 Rnd Fast Mag Arme secondaire: Kar98k The Cold War AUG is a 3-round burst weapon which deals a ludicrous amount of damage and at time of writing is well and truly leading the meta. It’s no frills to be honest - you get exactly what you expect from the PKM - high damage, low recoil, slow mobility. In each guide, you'll also find detailed, … This Modern Warfare sniper is still an old favourite, despite its age. This is more accurate than the PKM, and it's also slightly easier to control. No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. (Crédit d’image: Activision) En ce qui concerne les meilleurs canons Call of Duty Warzone, la majorité de ceux que vous trouverez sur le champ de bataille sont dépourvus de pièces jointes.
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