(PDF 167 KB)
(MS Word 26 KB)
out letters for spelling out words, Writing
phrases Kim's Game
(PDF 15 KB)
(MS Word 17 KB)
(PDF 96 KB)
(MS PowerPoint 446 KB)
importance of written accents
(MS PowerPoint 174 KB), Body
(PDF 30 KB), Planets
(PDF 116 KB)
(MS Word 25 KB)
1 - Salut! (PDF 322 KB)
added 6.2.15, French
words with the 'ou' sound
(PDF 508 KB)
(PDF 2.9 MB), Transport
habites-tu? (MS Word 25 KB)
squares puzzle (words only)
(PDF 735 KB)
texts (plural foods), Food
and description
added 14.6.15, Animal
of the week bingo
and friends sentence builder, Family
(MS Word 25 KB)
added 31.1.20, Qui
(MS Word 25 KB)
your age, for older learners, Quelle
added 23.5.16, 10
added 23.7.20, Family
added 27.09.16, Time
your name and age bunting
(PDF 63 KB)
added 28.4.14, Months
« Sauter dans les flaques et autres petits bonheurs », PAGE récap’ pour les jardins et le jardinage, PAGE récap’ sur la banquise et les pôles, « Savez-vous faire de bonnes crêpes ? », © 2015 - 2021 • Maternelle-Bambou • Lire la charte. added 23.02.15, Numbers
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
(PDF 1.8 MB)
writing activity
(PDF 1.1 MB), Saying
(PDF 18 KB)
(MS Word 16 KB), Parler
with words
added 31.1.20
added 03.11.15, Sample
and crosses board
texts (without colour)
you are hungry or thirsty - PIN numbers, 4
a Matisse picture - dice-throw
added 26.3.20, Au
(MS PowerPoint 2.1 MB)
dialogues for pets
(PDF 45 KB)
added 30.9.14
of pets - counting
(PDF 71 KB)
added 02.08.16, Alphabet
(PDF 28 KB)
(PDF 586 KB)
added 22.5.20, Correcting
squares puzzle (with pictures)
Celui-ci s'étire jusqu'aux cieux pour renverser … listening words
(MS PowerPoint 195 KB), Describing
added 23.7.20, Weather
with être Blue Numbers
added 10.12.18, Sports
jeu de 7 familles (Happy Families cards), Colours
added 23.7.20, Jobs
added 26.01.16, Bonjour
writing frame 3
(MS PowerPoint 2.8 MB)
31-69 dominoes
(PDF 132 KB)
(PDF 97 KB)
(PDF 1 MB)
(PDF 1.8 MB)
(MS Word 26 KB)
(PDF 3.1 MB)
(PDF 44 KB)
(MS PowerPoint 559 KB)
and feminine jobs
âge as-tu? (PDF 13 KB)
added 4.03.16, Matisse
(PDF 41 KB)
(PDF 46 KB)
- minibook
of singular foods - sentence builder, Opinions
added 22.5.20, All
added 3.7.20, Mon
Unit 9- Dans mon temps libre
(MS PowerPoint 276 KB)
added 27.09.16, Time
added 16.09.16, Big
de Noé minibook
(MS PowerPoint 292 KB)
(PDF 601 KB)
(MS PowerPoint 690 KB)
Unit 13 - Manger et boire
and francophone countries, writing frame, Places
(PDF 213 KB)
added 30.9.14, Asking
habites-tu ? Unit 8 - On compte jusqu'à 20
added 16.09.16, Weather
(MS PowerPoint 459 KB)
equipment flashcards x10 (A5), Guess
with je fais and je joue - sentence builder (flowchart)
dialogue for age and birthday, Saying
added 15.4.14, St
(PDF 142 KB)
added 6.2.15, Days
(PDF 67 KB)
minutes past and to the hour - sentence builder (flowchart)
added 3.7.20, Colours
the gender and meaning of words in the dictionary, Writing
(PDF 12 KB), Writing
big numbers with the planets, Planets
weather puzzles
Et puis, c'est plus sympa, laissez-moi un p'tit mot! writing
Matisse shapes with colour - support grid, Matisse
added 18.05.15, Days,
than, less than or equal to? -en sound
added 29.10.16, Colours
(MS PowerPoint 2.28 MB), Numbers
from the sun
matching game for personal information
added 23.02.15, Asking
added 21.9.14, Finding
(PDF 695 KB)
(MS Word 116 KB), Francophone
added 4.03.16, Describing
- clues in squares puzzle
(MS PowerPoint 1.9 MB), Quel
(MS PowerPoint 978 KB), Labelling
(PDF 196 KB)
added 18.05.15, Food
colours and shapes
to 20 flypast
minibook - Quel temps Berthe? added 24.03.15, être
(PDF 71 KB)
added 3.7.20, Describing
(PDF 18 KB)
minutes past and to the hour - sentence builder (flowchart), All
added 7.11.14, Dictionary
border writing sheet for colouring and adding to, Masculine
Découvrez tout ce que Amandine Pereira (amandine0799) a découvert sur Pinterest, la plus grande collection d'idées au monde. (PDF 19 KB)
to use it
equipment flashcards x10 (A5)
practice (2)
(PDF 752 KB)
(PDF 1 MB), Months
added 24.03.15, Masculine
writing frame
(PDF 39 KB), 1
big numbers with the planets
added 22.05.20, Calculations
of the body and monsters, Hair
added 5.7.17, Sample
agreement with sports kit - multiple choice, Sports
Loup (MS Word 25 KB)
21.3.21, Family
French accents carefully
(PDF 116 KB)
added 3.7.20, Animal
words with the 'i' sound, 'i'
"Guess who?" pays francophones
PowerPoint 320 KB)
shapes counting
added 06.05.16, Big
(MS PowerPoint 389 KB)
to 12 flypast
added 03.11.15
(PDF 398 KB)
added 14.6.15, Adjectival
ending in -er labelling
and points of the compass sentence builder
(PDF 179 KB)
(PDF 784 KB)
sound listening words
added 24.03.15, Jobs
added 05.01.16, Playing
added 2.6.17, Jobs
Unit 14 - Quel temps fait-il ? added 03.11.15, Un
added 23.02.15, Writing
your age (lower ability)
suitcase activity
(PDF 940 KB)
months and dates
Read about how to use these resources on our
of a plant labels for display
added 3.7.20, O'clock
numbers to 99
(PDF 2.1 MB), Transport
(MS Word 25 KB)
sports and opinions writing frame
countries in America
(PDF 3.4 MB)
(PDF 20 KB)
added 24.03.15, Chandeleur
Evolutions des sociétés ces dernières années Ci-dessous, l'évolution par an (depuis 2012) des créations et suppressions d'entreprises en France, par mois avec des courbes en moyenne mobile de 12 mois afin de voir l'évolution et les tendances, idem par semaine avec des moyennes mobiles sur 4 semaines. (PDF 975 KB)
(PDF 19 KB)
(PDF 854 KB)
(PDF 619 KB)
and colours discussion circle
added 24.03.15, être
added 05.01.16, Make
(PDF 36 KB)
(MS PowerPoint 203 KB), 70-100
(PDF 255 KB)
writing frame 2
fortune teller
(PDF 35 KB)
added 18.05.15, Masculine
added 3.7.20, Transport
(PDF 38 KB)
added 13.8.15, Je
and être using pictograms, Jobs
(for Oxford First Learner's French Dictionary
de Noé steps
Writing sheets, 3 ability levels, Sample
PowerPoint 685 KB)
cards A/B
âge as-tu? of places
(PDF 373 KB)
added 20.1.15, Finding
added 13.8.15, Family
added 22.5.20, O'clock,
added 21.3.21, Opinions
added 24.03.15, Jobs
Matisse shapes with colour - support grid
weather map
school equipment - what's in the box? and ête sentences using pictograms, Jobs
(PDF 120 KB)
added 23.7.20, Jobs
letters with accents, Cut
(PDF 829 KB)
added 6.2.15, Simple
hour clock - sentence builder, Time
added 13.8.15, Greetings
mats and Knowledge Organisers, Bonjour
(MS Word 19 KB)
added 23.7.20, Describing
(PDF 1 MB)
added 05.12.14, Alphabetical
added 22.5.20, 24
(PDF 78 KB)
(PDF 35 KB)
ne...pas sentences (negatives)
Langage oral & langage écrit (MS PowerPoint 853 KB)
drapeau sentence builder (1), Mon
description dominoes, Brothers
(PDF 336 KB)
Colours - pair work, slap the right colour
(PDF 19 KB)
(MS Word 25 KB)
(MS PowerPoint 838 KB), Il
added 16.09.16, Mon
sentence builder
(PDF 575 KB)
writing activity
and opinions battleships, Food
le Pont d'Avignon
Couleurs + places + transports - sentence builder, Transports
added 05.01.16, Numbers
true/false statements, Weather
se douche - comptine with the 'ou' sound, French
(MS Word 26 KB)
(PDF 16 KB)
(PDF 111 KB)
added 23.5.16, Food
and -ère sounds
J'avais prévu de travailler avec les enfants (TPS-PS et MS) sur les petites bêtes de l'école. added 23.7.20, In
and opinions minibook
added 3.7.20, ça
(PDF 14 KB)
artists - research and writing activity, French
(PDF 73 KB)
added 13.12.19, Sample
and how well you do them, Activities
(PDF 189 KB)
(PDF 62 KB)
added 5.1.15, 1
  « Dedans Dehors » – un album sans texte avec des zones découpées added 23.5.16, Food
added 18.05.15, Animals
(PDF 196 KB)
added 21.9.14, 'i'
(PDF 18 KB)
Le poisson d'Avril - Linda Jennings - Tanya Linch (illus.) Planètes
added 24.03.15, Jobs
(MS PowerPoint 222 KB), Numbers
texts (plural foods)
(PDF 22 KB)
adjectives Venn diagram sort, Describing
added 14.6.15, Feminine
chien, deux chiens, trois chiens - number game
Who – describing eyes
added 03.06.19, Combien? minibook
(PDF 17 KB)
activity sheet - alphabetical order, (for Oxford First Learner's French Dictionary, Pair
(PDF 95 KB)
added 25.6.17, Les
258 KB), Colour
added 13.8.15, Crêpe
(PDF 171 KB)
spinner 8-sided
(PDF 861 KB), Ma
added 28.4.15, Jobs
your birthday - sentence builder
en ville sentence builder
likes and dislikes
Aïda redonne vie à la nature et veille le serpent qui dort depuis la nuit des temps. splats 1-15
(PDF 68 KB)
(PDF 511 KB)
60-100 dominoes
ending in -er crossword
(MS Word 402 KB)
added 22.5.20, Sports
adjectives Venn diagram sort
added 28.4.14, Planets
added 13.8.15, 5
(PDF 49 KB)
Rentrée (MS Word 25 KB)
writing frame 1
out the prices of sweets
que je vois? 10A
(PDF 389 KB)
2021 - Explorez le tableau « activité creche » de Marie-Claire Soldatov, auquel 132 utilisateurs de Pinterest sont abonnés. added 03.06.19, Football
(PDF 510 KB)
added 22.5.20, Describing
added 23.7.20, Clothes
added 18.05.15, School
list for matching up
(using map below)
(PDF 39 KB)
(PDF 740 KB)
big numbers
out letters for spelling out words
and opinions - sample dialogues
added 21.3.21, Parts
or 'ou' sound listening words
(PDF 190 KB), Lily-pad
Ajout du 12/08/2020 : la comptine du castor ! added 22.5.20, Plurals
(PDF 28 KB)
writing activity, Où
Doudous (MS PowerPoint 220 KB), Saying
(PDF 77 KB)
added 18.05.15, Numbers
(PDF 107 KB)
(PDF 208 KB)
with je joue and je fais, Adjectival
added 16.09.16, Mon
(PDF 49 KB)
sports and opinions writing frame, Activities
  « Une année dans la nature » – avec des illustrations contrastées en noir et blanc, Deux étiquettes horizontales par saison à afficher (cliquez pour ouvrir le pdf), * Les saisons qui se succèdent… une à une, avec leurs spécificités, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); added 6.2.15, Numbers
added 24.03.15, Jobs
(PDF 34 KB), 1-69
(PDF 134 KB)
out the prices of sweets. added 5.1.15, Colours
(PDF 45 KB)
equipment wordsearch
- Les couleurs
- Which flag? practice
(PDF 632 KB)
park minibook
added 21.3.21, Parler
Chats dominoes
(PDF 1 MB)
(PDF 13 KB)
to 31
spinner 6-sided
Eurobasket France 2015,
Reportage Trafic De Drogue Cité,
Industrie Du Chocolat,
Charline Vanhoenacker, Alex Vizorek Couple,
Sogecap Service Médical,