He continues to say that after Ali, there was another story, and then after that, there was another story. Johnny initially composes a novel-length response in “all caps” (after "liking" all of her photos), a response which sends Miguel into a panic. In Season 3, he was finally able to reconnect with her through a series of Facebook messages. I love the line when she tells him, “You have a future to find,” as if she’s championing his future. William Zabka hints at the return of his lost love Ali in Season 3 of The Karate Kid series Cobra Kai. Daniel and Ali meet the next day at their high school on the soccer field. Season 3 of Cobra Kai officially dropped on Netflix, January 1 at 3 a.m. EST. When Miguel is surprised, Johnny explains that it was an "alpha move," because girls like guys who "treat them like crap". What was so extraordinary about The Karate Kid is that I don't think anyone involved felt like we were making a culturally important 1980s movie. Ali and Daniel broke up six months later, an event that Daniel conveys to Mr. Miyagi in the beginning of The Karate Kid Part II. Elisabeth Shue attended Wellesley College. She transferred to Harvard University in 1985, from which she withdrew to pursue her acting career (she was inspired by a friend to work in television commercials as a way to pay for college) one semester short of earning her degree. It is during this conversation that she introduces herself as "Ali — with an ‘i’", to which he responds that he is "Daniel — with an ‘l’". Johnny states that on the night that Dutch got so drunk that he smashed a dart board, he also got so drunk that he missed Ali's birthday - ultimately leading up to the "big fight" that ended their relationship. But it was just an instant chemistry.”[9] Macchio enjoyed the sense of closure that the reunion brought, such as the “moment where I come back and I want to apologize for years back and she cuts me off. Imagine how special it will be if people can discover it as a surprise.’ We operate like that with a lot of storylines on this show. Written by Robert Mark Kamen and directed by John G. Avildsen, the film told the story of Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio). Ali rushes to hug Daniel afterward as they celebrate his victory. But as soon as we got the greenlight to do Season 3, it was one of the first things we discussed with Sony and our casting. Not only does Ali immediately get along with Lucille, but willingly helps Lucille and Daniel start the car up again. She had also responded to Johnny’s Facebook message with a note that says she is in town and that they should meet for lunch. Daniel opens up Facebook, explains how it works to Johnny, and shows him Ali's account. Why didn't she just lie?". In Cobra Kai season 3, the actor who plays Ali is none other than Elisabeth Shue. Please keep this secret.’ We had [everyone] sign pretty strict non-disclosure agreements with unspecified consequences — I have no idea what they were — but it was enough that it worked, apparently. She gave Johnny the black headband he wears during Karate. It’ll just be that much bigger. I hope that you didn’t tell him that it was my fault it crashed?" That’s something we felt a lot of people could relate to when it comes to old flames and friends from the past. This difference in social class is further emphasized at the end of the date, when Daniel is teased by other teenagers because he is picked up by his mother in their old car (an incident that bothers him more than Ali). In response, Daniel states that "she actually wasn't really your girl anymore was she," as Ali and Johnny had broken up a few weeks before Daniel met her at the beach. It displays her name as Ali Mills Schwarber and shows a picture of Dr. Schwarber (whom Daniel and Johnny agree is a "pretty boy"). She broke up with Johnny during the first film. Ali also confesses that she has “messed up” many things in her life, because she was always playing a series of roles: “Ali the Good Doctor, Ali the Good Mom, Ali the Good Wife.” Next she states that she and her husband are separated and are divorcing each other. Ali says that this was not the reason, and eagerly offers to tell the story stating: "So I got into UCLA, and I ran into this guy that I knew who went there. January 2 2021, 9:01 PM PST. Daniel tries to stick up for Ali and is badly beaten by Johnny, who is experienced in karate. He’s a guy who has self-sabotaged at times in his life, so to be at this place where he’s starting to connect with a woman and have the anxiety of like, ‘OK, I might get involved with someone in a serious way, [and it’s] the mother of my top karate student/surrogate son figure,’ there’s the typical jitters. The moment it’s discovered, it will be an explosion, and you’ll be able to talk about it forever because people will want to. Ashamed, Daniel lied, saying, "no, of course not." Culture Netflix Cobra Kai Season 3 is coming to Netflix on January 8, 2021, and the streamer has now released the full trailer for The Karate Kid spin-off. Available in a range of colours and styles for men, women, and everyone. A few days later, equipped with a driver's license and a car from Mr. Miyagi, Daniel finds Ali at the Arcade, and they argue (as Daniel is angry over the kiss he witnessed and Ali is angry about the entire incident). Season 3 will be available to stream on January 1, 2021. In Season 1, Episode 8 of Cobra Kai, Johnny tells his student Miguel that he first met Ali in the Summer of 1982, when he and his Cobra Kai friends went to see the movie Rocky III. She meets Amanda and bonds with her during dinner, as Ali, Johnny, and Daniel tell stories of high school. We always leave the door wide open for anybody from the Miyagi-verse to come in and out of the series. But we hark back to that age where there wasn’t an internet. Her involvement in those scenes with Johnny and Daniel at the country club ends up causing these two guys who can’t seem to take a moment to reflect on their own roles and whatever issues they may have to perhaps realize that maybe they’re not so different after all. Johnny replies that he behaved that way because Daniel "move[d] in on my girl", referring to the fact that he and Ali had dated before she met Daniel. The grass is always greener when you’re seeing somebody’s life on social media, and it leads to a lot of comedy, but also some real moments with them. She tells Daniel that "It's just that he [Johnny] thinks he can do whatever he wants to people." The series sees some potentially rekindled romance between Johnny and Ali. Ali is visiting her parents for the holidays, and her mother asks her to attend the Christmas party, which Ali agrees to do. After turning him down many times, Ali finally said yes to a date. Like none at all. Mr. Miyagi said that it "must have been some senior prom; what happened?" Looking ahead to see what's in store for Netflix's Cobra Kai in Season 3, and what could be on the mat for future seasons up ahead. "[6] Zabka concurred noting that, “I think I lived everybody’s fantasy of being Daniel LaRusso at Golf N’ Stuff with Ali Mills on his arm … to kind of recreate those moments was so much fun and we just laughed the whole time. Daniel enters Mr. Miyagi's home dressed in a tuxedo, and in the now badly beaten up car that Mr. Miyagi gave to him. Daniel mentions that he did not send her a friend request, as he believes Amanda would frown on him reconnecting with ex-girlfriends, and does not see a purpose in doing so in the first place. Non-stop reminiscing about our experience and laughing about what a great movie it turned out to be. We remember going to the movies and discovering something for the first time that wasn’t in the trailer or commercial, and how magical that was. At that moment, Johnny enters and almost has an accident with a waiter carrying bowls of spaghetti (all references to similar events in reverse in The Karate Kid). And you know what else she does? Ali feels the tension and starts diffusing it, asking if she’s going to have to put them both on a time out. We had good vibes about the potential of being able to work with her when the time was right. Later, as he is leaving, Daniel apologizes to Ali for the manner of their breakup, which she replies to by saying that they were very young, and that she will remember the good times. She’s dealing with her own issues, and that was the story we pitched to her that I think she got interested in, and something that is relatable to a lot of people. She notes that a lot of time has passed since high school, and says that she is happy with her family and career, and could “still kick your ass at air hockey.” Ali also says that while they used to see each other every day in high school, she doesn’t know anything about what he is like now and wonders what he is up to? SCHLOSSBERG | From the very beginning we loved the idea of playing her character, at first, through the eyes of Johnny looking at her life through social media. After Johnny accepts her Facebook “friend request,” Ali sends him a message via Facebook Messenger. [5] Shue's character Ali did not appear in The Karate Kid movie sequels. Ali also did not crash Daniel's car but instead the brakes had gone out, something that Ali had tried to warn him would happen. Daniel interrupts the story by sarcastically repeating the phrase, "your friend" (with air quotes). Prosperous and successful Daniel appears happy to see him, while Johnny (who was just fired from his construction job and is living in a small apartment in Reseda, California) is very uncomfortable. Daniel accuses her of being a snob who is behaving badly because he isn't "rich with a fancy car." Unaware that Daniel and Johnny had been in touch, Ali "reunites" them, but is soon witness to their continued rivalry. While he thought they would "work things out," Ali met Daniel instead. As fans well know, Johnny Lawrence ( William Zabka ) is making the best attempt he can for moving on from Ali Mills (Elisabeth Shue). In the Cobra Kai season 3 finale, Ali spies Daniel at the Encino Oaks Country Club and greets him with how he introduced himself to her in the original, “Daniel…with an ‘L.’” When Johnny joins them, they are immediately at odds. First, Daniel tells her, when he lived in New Jersey, he fell in love with Judy, and thought it would last forever. … Daniel says he has not spoken to Ali since 1985, which Johnny thinks is odd because Daniel knows so much about a woman he has not seen or spoken to in decades. As they continue to get to know each other, Daniel discovers that Johnny is Ali's ex-boyfriend (as of 3 weeks). Her appearance in the series is for the last two episodes of the season 3. However, the clues are starting to mount that Elisabeth Shue will be returning to the franchise for Season 3. Hurwitz also added that, "hearing what happened at the start of that movie was such a bummer for us ... so we knew when we brought her on the show we would find a way to explain and get her side of the story. Here, TVLine talks to executive producers and co-showrunners Josh Heald, Jon Hurwitz and Hayden Schlossberg about how they kept Shue’s appearance mum, why Season 3 was the perfect time to bring her back, and why Ali became “the force that brings Daniel and Johnny together.”. Daniel also learns that Ali rejected Johnny's kiss, after her friend tells him that Ali punched Johnny with "her right hook- you think she sprained her wrist doing her nails?" That should be the takeaway there. [3] Among the younger cast members, Shue remembers Ralph Macchio [Daniel] as someone who was considered a "a big star compared to the rest of us. TVLINE | Were there ever any plans to bring her in at the very beginning? Ali arrives at the tournament with Daniel and Mr. Miyagi, and tells the officials that she needs to be at the ringside because she is Mr. Miyagi's translator. [Laughs] We discussed with all of the performers: ‘Do not post anything to social media, do not comment to your friends or loved ones. I made fun of him a little bit, like: I could kick your ass." Ali tells Johnny that she has faith in him and “will always be there for him.” She pushes him towards his car saying, “So get out of here, you have a future to find.” Johnny agrees and leaves to find Carmen, while Ali returns to the country club to find her parents. After looking through Johnny's box of 1980's “pin-up” style photos of himself, Miguel decides that they should take contemporary pictures, and Johnny decides to base them on the kind of photos that Ali posts. Daniel reveals to Johnny that Ali is currently a pediatric surgeon who has since moved to Denver with her husband Gregory Schwarber, an oncologist whom she met in med school. In Season 3, Episode 9 of Cobra Kai, Johnny and Ali reunite after he finds her on Facebook. She tells me that she's just fallen in love with some football player from UCLA! Next, she says goodbye to Johnny. The following story contains spoilers for Cobra Kai Season 3. However, the summer before senior year, they had a big fight. Ali tells him that she can't even remember why they were angry with each other. The fervor grew louder when the final image of Season 2 revealed that Ali sent Johnny a Facebook friend request. Unfazed by Johnny's outbursts, she frequently tells him off or yells at him, and is angry that he will not leave her alone. TVLINE | How were you able to keep Elisabeth’s return such a well-guarded secret? — Who's Coming…, Sharon Osbourne to Receive Huge Payout After Leaving The Talk, 'Wants…, CSI Sequel Series Formally Greenlit at CBS; Wallace Langham Returning…, April Streaming Guide: What's New on Netflix, Disney+ and More. In Cobra Kai season 3, episode nine, Ali tells Johnny that she and her husband have separated and have filed for divorce. - SMASH THE Notifications So You Don't Miss a Video!! Cobra Kai season 3 comes to an explosive and emotional ending. The girls became angry and one of them - Ali - got up and began yelling at Dutch, pouring her popcorn (with butter) all over him. One night while drinking in a bar, Johnny (who has since learned about Facebook and set up an account) types a Facebook message to Ali, which he hesitates to send. However, Ali receives a phone call from her mother reminding her about the Christmas party, and she invites Johnny to join her. Heald, Hurwitz, and Schlossberg stated that they "didn't like [Daniel's reason]. Daniel introduces Johnny to his employees as a "guy who really had it in for me" when they were in high school. We didn’t know 100 percent if we would get her because there’s all sorts of external factors that could happen. Johnny confesses to Ali that he wasted his life, first during his 20’s and 30’s partying too much, and then after his girlfriend became pregnant, he was unable to cope with being a father. They noticed a group of girls in front of them and one of his friends, Dutch, began to throw Milk Duds at them. They joke that it’s funny to run into each other at the same country club that Daniel (the “kid from Reseda”) was forced out of when he came to find Ali, and hug. [6] She rejoined the series partly due to the encouragement from director, Dan Trachtenberg. The third season of Cobra Kai, now streaming on Netflix, includes a number of homages to the original Karate Kid movies, including a return to Okinawa, and the reappearance of … Johnny said that was the first time he met Ali, and thought that she was a "firecracker." When Johnny arrives at the party at the country club, he sees Ali talking to Daniel. During their dinner together, Daniel is not eager to explain their breakup, in response to Amanda thinking that it was because of the rivalry between Johnny and Daniel. LEAVE A "LIKE" to get a big fat "OOF"! Ultimately, of course, it was just poetic having her be the force that brings Daniel and Johnny together at the end of the season. During the lunch, they realize they had not seen each other since Johnny’s defeat at the karate tournament (at the end of The Karate Kid). He took her to "Golf and Stuff", where they kissed on the ferris wheel. WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Season 3 of Cobra Kai, streaming now on Netflix.. Season 3 of the martial arts dramedy hit Netflix Friday, and along with it came the return of a Miyagi-verse favorite. We really wanted to make sure that she would be there at the end of the season, and everything worked out the way you’d hope it would when it came time to getting that whole deal done. After realizing that they haven't seen each other since he lost the tournament (The Karate Kid), he apologizes to her for the mistakes he made while they were dating. First I let Ali borrow the car and she redesigns my fender! Even though she hasn’t seen them in so many years, just getting to spend a little bit of time with them again and be reminded of who they were in high school, she recognizes that maybe she could give them both a little bit of wisdom that can help them move forward. That’s harder to pull off these days, but that doesn’t mean we won’t keep trying to do that. Johnny, also at the club, tries to get her attention and is aided by Ali's parents (who prefer Johnny to Daniel). "Cobra Kai" has so far been without "The Karate Kid" character Ali Mills. You weren’t bombarded with new clips every day and first look pictures, and the barrage of material that now has become commonplace and necessary to pull in an audience in such a fragmented world. Ali attempts to help him, but he pushes her away. It was more of an emotional connection [with Ali] than a physical one. Ultimately, we wanted to preserve that moment on the steps when she helps Johnny realize that his life makes sense with Carmen in it, and we didn’t want to feel like he needed to have a little bit of a dalliance to get there. TVLINE | With Cobra Kai already renewed for a fourth season, is there any chance we’ll see Ali again?HEALD | We won’t comment on what our future plans are with anybody who’s a legacy character from those movies other than to say that we have a long story left to tell. and storms away. So we tried to think of a way to make a way that didn't make Daniel out to be a liar but also gave Ali her own side of the story." During high school (The Karate Kid), she was a genuine, athletic, independent, tough, and down to earth teenager. As her interest in Daniel deepens, Ali encourages him to stand up to Johnny, whom she feels is a bully and realizes is frequently beating Daniel up. Well, I was a little bit upset so I probably, maybe, egged you on." Ali, however, is hostile after she is coerced to dance with Johnny by her mother, and hits him in the face when he forces her to kiss him (a move he made to infuriate Daniel who was watching in the kitchen). Cobra Kai Season 3 Finale Ending: Getting Closure. "[8] She compared it to "a high school reunion; it felt like no time had passed. So that was the test balloon, I would say, for keeping the secret with Ali. We’re probably annoying to work with on some level for the marketing department because we’re always asking for the splashiest and sexiest moments to be left out of the marketing campaign entirely. Later, while working on his laptop, Johnny opens up Facebook to look at the concert photos and finally sees Ali's "friend request," which he accepts. While Daniel is ordering drinks at the Christmas party he hears a voice say, "Daniel — with an ‘l’". Ali offers a different version of her breakup with Daniel in Season Three, Episode 10 of Cobra Kai. Little is known about Season 3's plot at the moment, though it has been confirmed that Daniel will return to Okinawa, Japan (meaning that we could see the return of Karate Kid Part II characters such as Kumiko and Chozen). 36 years after the original film, Shue returned to the Karate Kid universe by joining Season 3 of Cobra Kai (although characters in the series referred to her in Seasons 1 and 2). After losing the Cobra Kai dojo to Kreese (who had a talk with the landlord, and finds out that the landlord doesn't like Johnny), and seeing his student Miguel Diaz on life support, Johnny drives to the beach and throws his smart phone away into the sand in a fit of rage. Ali's down-to-earth nature is highlighted during her first date with Daniel, when she is picked up by Daniel's mother Lucille in an old car that stalls. It sort of tied it up. Cobra Kai Season 3 is fuming! If you like TVLine, you'll LOVE our weekly newsletter. This interaction is a stark contrast with Ali's parents who interrogate Daniel when they meet him and are not impressed that he lives in Reseda rather than Encino. Johnny and Daniel end up in a bar and begin to talk about their shared childhood over drinks. Fans of the series have one question going into the new season: Is Elisabeth Shue's Ali Mills in Cobra Kai Season 3… We kept reminiscing and laughing, constantly reliving the first Karate Kid every minute between takes. Shop high-quality unique Ali Cobra Kai Season 3 T-Shirts designed and sold by artists. Since neither Daniel nor Miyagi know the actual rules of competitive karate, Ali quickly teaches Daniel what he needs to know before the competition begins. Elisabeth Shue’s Ali Mills, a former love interest of both Johnny and Daniel’s, returned to the Valley to reconnect with her exes, offering an outsider’s perspective and a bit of wisdom that helped squash the lingering tension between the two senseis. Ali then said to him, "I told you! [6] She also decided to return because the writers wanted to contest the narrative of The Karate Kid II, which offers only Daniel's version of their breakup. To be fair, it *does* seem like the Cobra Kai writers have been setting up the infamous ex-girlfriend's return. They next play air hockey and other games at “Golf and Stuff" (their high school hang out), take selfies, and nearly kiss. During this time, Ali reveals that what actually caused her breakup with Daniel was his jealousy over a college friend of hers (which he mistook for a love affair). Daniel sees me talking to my friend." HEALD | We just threatened everybody! TVLINE | Using social media in the storyline starting in Season 2 seemed like the perfect way to tease her return.
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